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· Standing at Stud
· Importing Service Coming Soon
· Foals For Sale
· Authentic Gypsy Wagon - Authentic New Friends
· Horse Art by Judy Wood
June 2009
Welcome to our very first e-newsletter! Here you will find short news summaries of recent events going on in the life of North Fork. Read and enjoy, we will endeavour to keep this as up to date as possible - your source for news, information and fun facts. |
Standing at Stud
You may have already heard that Tumbleweed and Tully are out of quarantine and ready for service! They've had to hit the ground running since they've been out, as Tumbleweed as the "Sire of Sires" is in big demand and Tully, well, he is just stunning and we love him too! We hope to get some updated pictures of them out on the website as soon as we can get them away from the ladies. For now here are our two favourite shots of them.
Tumbleweed - Standing Stud at $3000 CAD* *plus collection fee of $350, shipping and taxes |
Tully - Standing Stud at $1900 CAD* *plus collection fee of $350, shipping and taxes |
Importing Service Coming Soon
Coming soon to our website will be a page detailing our importing services. This is as yet under development, but the basic idea is that obviously we won't always be able to provide what someone is looking for direct from our herd. If we can help by looking for the desired horse for you, arranging the shipping and quarantine, and delivering them right to your door, that's what we'd like to do. We will post photos and descriptions of horses for sale and available to us through reputable European breeders. If you decide you are interested, we will arrange the sale and transportation. We'd do this at a price equalling no more than what you would have paid if you'd gone direct. Add to that a satisfaction guarantee and now you have it! More to come on this, but hopefully we've whetted your appetite. Stay tuned... |
Foals for Sale
If you haven't had a chance to check it out already, we have four beautiful foals for sale! We finally got through our rather late and muddy spring thaw (it snowed twice during late April/early May) and got them washed, groomed, and ready for company! Here are a couple of pictures to give you a sampling.
Mana is spectacular even at just over a year old. Look at that feather, mane and tail! Her bloodlines explain a lot but we love her just for who she is. In fact, if you're interested you'd best speak up quickly, as Dale has mentioned a couple of times we may want to keep her for ourselves! |
Prince is truly a Prince of a Gypsy Cob! His colouring is striking, and between his exceptional feather and great conformation, there is no telling what he will produce if used as a Stallion.
With the sale of any of our foals this year, we will provide the purchaser with the additional bonus of one free breeding from one of our stallions (your choice) which can be claimed either this year or next. This will not be repeated so pick out your foal now!
Authentic Gypsy Wagon - Authentic New Friends
We recently had the opportunity to visit with David and Kristine Bryan, of Ontario Canada. David is a Romani Gypsy, and was actually born in a Gypsy living wagon, called a Veardos.
He has built a beautiful wagon with all the care and integrity the Romani people have built them with throughout the ages. We had a great time visiting, getting to know him and his wife, and looking at such a detailed, high quality piece of work. It is for sale at this time, so if you are interested in speaking to the Bryans about a possible purchase, please contact us. This is most likely the last wagon David will build so it is a once in a lifetime chance! |

One Last Note...
Horse Art by Judy Wood
I'm sure many of us in looking at the beautiful flowing mane, tail and feather of our lovely Gypsy Cobs have had visions of flying, wings, and dappled sunny skies. Galloping on a treasured horse may even have let us imagine we were flying! Well Judy and her creativity got together and produced just that, our lovely Mana with wings. Check out our gallery page to see more and get more information on her inventive art. Enjoy! |