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* Promoting the Breed
* Breeds for the World
* Spruce Meadows Fun Facts
* October Sale
* Breeding Contracts for 2010 |
September 2009 -
Special Spruce Meadows Issue
Well September has come and gone in a flash, and what a month it was! Our beautiful new mare Bailey arrived safe and sound, we had record warm temperatures for the month, and we participated in Spruce Meadows, a rather big step for breeders with no show experience! So we decided to make this issue all about it in the hopes that we can capture all the learning and memories that made it so special and share it with you. Enjoy!
North Fork e-news - your source for news, information and fun facts. |
Promoting the Breed
Although Spruce Meadows has a committed focus to the organization and hosting of show jumping tournaments in particular, their overall mandate is to celebrate quality horses and to encourage their breeding and training. With this in mind, we decided (with some trepidation and a lot of excitement) to enter as an exhibitor of our favourite breed, the Gypsy Cob.
One point quickly became clear in the first few hours of having set up our booth and brought our first horse into the pen beside us; people in Canada simply don't know about the existence of the Gypsy Cob. Some literally stopped in their tracks as they had their first glimpse of Priceless, our grey dapple. At three years old, her long white mane, shining feathery feet and beautiful tail caught the attention of anyone who walked by.
Ninety-five percent of people had never heard of a Gypsy Cob. More than one exhibitor came by and thanked us for being there, as it brought extra traffic to their booths and increased interest in the event itself. All in all it was a win/win situation!
We are very excited at the prospect of doing more shows in the coming year to pass the word on about these special horses. As there are approximately only 100 Gypsy Cobs in Canada, now is the time to chat with other breeders, search out fellow owners, and enter into shows across the country. We will only help each other as we learn and grow together, and perhaps, sell some horses along the way! :) |
(Cash, Dale, Priceless, Cheryl, Violet, Wendy)
(Priceless and Dale) |
Breeds for the World
 Violet and Wendy
The exhibit we entered is called the "Masters" Breeds for the World Showcase Program. The Showcase is a mini-production in which horses are presented in hand, under saddle, in harness and in whatever manner is deemed appropriate for the breed. It is a bit like a live breed advertisement, reflecting the style and character of each breed, showcasing their gaits, conformation, and varied talents.

Our full-time trainer Wendy rode our very own gorgeous Clononeen Violet, who blew us away with her calm acceptance of flapping flags, cheering crowds, and unfamiliar loud noises in the outdoor arena. She truly had a fan following after her shows, which occurred once a day during the week and twice per day on the weekend. Many people came back to the booth the next day to ask more questions and visit. She was a big hit, and we were very proud of both horse and rider.
In addition to the showcase, each exhibitor was provided a booth and a stall in which to display their horse.
This provided an opportunity to hand out literature, answer questions, and interact with potential clients. Of course, we still have much to learn about this wonderful breed, and having Deirdre from Clononeen Farms there with us as a resource was a valuable addition to the team. We were also able to offer a specially designed sales booklet to interested people, listing additional horses direct from England with the combination of importing services from North Fork to further increase the presence of the Gypsy Cob breed within Canada.
 We would like to enter one more event associated with Breeds of the World, called "Battle of the Breeds". Teams of two must barrel race, drive, jump, and enter an obstacle course to "battle" against the other breeds. This year the Morgans won, and although we may not be ready for next year, who knows who will win the prize money the year after that?!
(Deidre, Cheryl, Dale & Kate) |
Spruce Meadows Fun Facts
Some numbers that may surprise you:
Volunteers |
500 |
Permanent Stables |
10 |
Permanent Stable Capacity |
1000 horses |
Indoor Riding Arenas |
2 |
Outdoor Grass Competition Rings |
6 |
Acres that Comprise the Grass |
23 |
Competition Rings |
6 |
Sand Rings |
6 |
Tons of Sand in the Sand Rings |
25,000 |
Broadcast Reach |
100 Countries, over 820 million people |
Total Prize Money for 2008 |
Over 6.2 Million |
Annual Visitors |
Over 500,000 |
Corporate Sponsors |
Over 100 |
Countries Represented in the Past 30 Years |
44 |
 October Sale
We're pleased to announce that for the month of October only, all North Fork on-site horses will be available for 10% off their listed price. This is a time limited offer and is a special effort to make these lovely horses available to an extended client list. Deposits will be accepted. Check our website for more details! |