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* New Family for Foals
* Spruce Meadows 2010 Master's Re-cap
* North Fork Cash Up-Date
* Billy Boy Coming to North Fork
December 2010 Newsletter
December already - and almost Christmas! We can't believe that another year is almost done. From our family and farm to yours, we wish you the very best of Christmas's and a happy, healthy and fun new year!
There have been many comings and goings this year at North Fork, new foals, new friendships, some new staff (thank you for finding us, Audrey and Kimberley!) and lots of fun shows. It's also been great to have some of our 2010 foals go to a lovely family. We've got lots of great pictures of them
at their new farm so we'll share some of those with you, as well as some updated pictures of Cash who is still having a great time training with Jackie Johnson and growing like a weed! (Pun intended if you know who his sire is!) And speaking of sires, as mentioned in our quick Bulletin we're very excited to bring another great sire here to our farm.
So grab that hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music and take a few minutes apart from the rush of
the season to read our update. As usual, we'd love to have your questions or comments, so if there's
anything you'd like to talk about please feel free to send us an email at info@northforkhorses.com.
We hope you enjoy our updates and find something we've shared to be of help or interest. Make sure you stop by our website for more on the highlighted stories or to check out our horses for sale.
North Fork e-news - your source for news, information and fun facts. |
New Family for Foals
One day we received an email from a young woman who wanted to come on out and visit. She had the
idea of seeing which one of the foals she connected with to help her make a decision of whom to buy. Well, as most of you know, once you meet them you're hooked and it's more about deciding who is NOT coming home with you! So after many emails, phone calls and a visit, Nancy and her family decided to take not just one, but THREE foals to her family home. Here are a few of our favourites.
Spruce Meadows 2010 Master's Re-cap
Once again we had a great time at Spruce Meadows Masters' Event, manning our booth and taking part in the Breeds for the World Demonstrations each day. It was great to be at a show that we actually knew our way around for a change, as this is the second year we've participated. Cash, our two year old stud colt
from Tumbleweed, did a great job with trick trainer Jackie Johnson's leadership and Megan, her team member, riding him in
English gear.
Wendy, our trainer at North Fork, rode our mare Bailey beautifully for the demo. Bailey at just three years old is already well on her way in Western style training, with some introduction to dressage. Bailey is for sale at this time and confirmed in foal. She has been a wonderful show horse for us this year, and with her loving personality and professional training, would be a great addition to any home. Most of the kids that saw Bailey assumed she was a unicorn who had lost her horn! We look forward to our participation in Spruce Meadows again next year, and hope to see you there. Check out our website for more pictures and videos!
North Fork Cash Update
Cash continues to grow and learn at an amazingly fast pace! In each and every show this year, he's outdone himself at both the tasks required of him and in winning the hearts of those around him. Jackie Johnson's team is doing a wonderful job with him, and really showing him off to his best advantage. This year he decided to start jumping!
Any time there was something in the arena, instead of going around it as most horses do, he decided to go over it. Now obviously we can't really concentrate on this type of training at this time due to his young age, but it is now definitely on the agenda as he grows older. Cash is also growing taller by leaps and bounds, we estimate he will be at least 15hh. With his height and the traditional strong, muscled body type the Gypsy Cob breed is known for, he continues to be a great ambassador for us and the breed. Look for more from him in the coming year!
Billy Boy (aka "The Christie Horse") coming to North Fork
Just in case you missed our last news Bulletin in November, we are pleased to announce that Billy Boy is coming to North Fork in January. He is a stellar addition to our line-up of legends here at North Fork, having contributed his sweet head, thick bone and amazing feather to many of the best producing breeding stock today. He is the sire, grandsire etc of horses such as Paleface,
Diamond Cutter, Gypsy Boy and many more current greats.
We are pleased to be providing Billy Boy with a home to live out his days in comfort and pampering - and to meet some new mares as well!
We'll keep you updated as his arrival time draws closer!
Look for our ad in the upcoming Winter Issue of the Gypsy Horse Journal - www.gypsyhorsejournal.com |