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* The Calgary Stampede Experience
* Final Foals for 2010 Season
* What’s Next - News & Events
June/July 2010 Newsletter
Wow is this summer going fast! Two of the three shows we’re doing this year have come and gone, we’ve now had all our foals for this year, and finally, we are getting more sun than rain! A good thing too, as getting stuck in the mud (with either boots, bobcats or trucks) was becoming a regular occurrence, not to mention having 3 pumps going full time and having a heck of a time getting pictures or videos of any of our horses! What pictures we did get - well - take a look for yourself!
We hope you’re having a great summer, spending time with horses and family, and enjoying the sunshine.
As usual, we’d love to have your questions or comments, so if there’s anything you’d like to talk about with us please feel free to email us at info@northforkhorses.com.
We hope you enjoy our updates and find something we’ve shared to be of help or interest. Make sure you stop by our website for more on the highlighted stories or to check out our horses for sale.
North Fork e-news - your source for news, information and fun facts. |
The Calgary Stampede Experience
We were very pleased to participate in the Calgary Stampede this year, a renowned 10-day Stampede with year-round facilities dedicated to promoting and preserving western Canada’s heritage and values.
The events were full of information and fun displays for everyone from a “city-slicker” to the more agricultural based attender, and our involvement centered in on the Agriculture Building, where many different breeds of horses and farm animals had the chance to show their stuff. For our part, as well as manning a booth for five out of the ten days, we participated in a breed demonstration every day.
Featuring our young two year old stud colt North Fork Cash and our three year old mare Bailey, our full-time trainer Wendy Walker and trick trainer Jackie Johnson and her crew performed a combination of Western riding and trick training. Our main goals in the breed demonstrations were to communicate to the public the versatility, calm nature, and beauty of the breed. Most people that stopped by the table or came to meet the horses and their riders after the demos had never even heard of Gypsy Cobs.
Attendance during the event topped out at 1,145,394 people (yes, we’re talking over a million people)! Needless to say our voices were shot by the end of the day. All in all it was a positive and interesting experience, one we hope to take part in next year and for many years to come.
For the full version of our article on the Calgary Stampede, check it out on our website, as well as a some of the media released about our involvement at the Stampede. Apparently, we were the very first exhibitors to ever show Gypsy Cobs at the Stampede.
Final Foals for 2010 Season
As promised, we want to introduce you to the remaining foals of the 2010 breeding season. More pictures will be posted on the website in the weeks ahead!
North Fork Skye
Skye is a beautiful tricolour filly who makes her sire Tumbleweed proud. Her deep bay and black markings are concentrated mostly on her head and tail, with her mane starting out as black and continuing white. Two beautiful brown eyes and an already sweet temperament mark this little girl of Celestial’s. Full sister to Orion from the 2009 breeding season, we’re sure to see good things as she grows up.
North Fork Noah
Noah is starting life as a strawberry roan and white foal, with two light blue eyes. He is darkening to a deeper strawberry as he sheds out his baby hair. Already showing a somewhat bombproof nature, Noah is easy-going and friendly, reaching out to everyone who comes by. He reflects Tully’s tendency for lovely jagged edged patterning and a high amount of feather and mane.
North Fork Bullet
Bullet is the last of our foal crop for 2010, and we couldn’t be happier with this little colt from Layla and our main stallion Tumbleweed. Beautifully put together with the same sweet head characteristic of all Tumbleweed offspring, he also sports the blue eye from his sire. Bullet is so friendly and outgoing, he is fast turning into everyone’s favourite.
What’s Next - News & Events
Our next and last show for 2010 will be The Masters at Spruce Meadows in Calgary Alberta. This is a world renowned event committed to being the leading venue in the world for international horse sports. We’re looking forward to once again being part of the exhibitors and bringing our mare Bailey as well as our stud colt Cash to be part of the breed demonstrations. As the events are focused more on an International and English riding audience, we will ensure our program reflects that focus. Come on out and see us, we’d love to talk to you and share more about our beloved horses. For pictures and video of last year’s event, click here.
Fall Plans for North Fork
In September, we will be starting an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Program at North Fork. Part-time to start, certified experts will use our horses to work with those who need a more “out-of-the-box” method of dealing with life stresses. We feel that the Gypsy Cob is the perfect breed as they are so people oriented. More information to come on this in the future! www.eagala.org
Look for us on the cover of the September “Saddle Up” Magazine