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Fall 2011 Newsletter
  Can you believe it's Fall? Ok – so in Saskatchewan it may be closer to winter, we are wondering how many days we have before the water feeders start giving us headaches and feeding includes an axe in hand! But the evenings, although short, are full of beautiful sunsets, crisp, clear sunny mornings, and thank you Lord, little to no rain or snow. Wa-hoo! We are truly grateful – for our horses, our family, and our life here on the ranch. Is it always idyllic? Maybe not, but it is always beautiful in that we are on the journey together. And in honour of our American friends, maybe we should ask, what are you thankful for today?
In This Issue: |
* Show Recap 2011
* Vanner Fair Review
* Saskatchewan's Own Equine Expo
* Breeding Line-up for 2012
– New Bloodlines |
As usual, we'd love to have your questions or comments, so if there's anything you'd like to talk about please feel free to send us an email at info@northforkhorses.com.
We hope you enjoy our updates and find something we've shared to be of help or interest. Make sure you stop by our website for more on the highlighted stories or to check out our horses for sale. |
North Fork e-news - your source for news, information and fun facts. |
Mane Event in Red Deer (April)
Mane Event organizers outdid themselves as usual, providing an outstanding amount of people traffic interested in all things related to horses. If you are looking for an event that provides information, merchandise, demonstrations and opportunities for learning, Mane Event is your one stop shop.
We were able to bring one of our more mature mares with us this year, Bliss, as she wasn't in foal, as well as one of her offspring, North Fork Cash, who is a show veteran at three years old. As a young stallion performing with his dam for the first time, he did a great job showing off for the crowds, with Jackie Johnson and her young
team member Megan riding him and putting him through his tricks.
Our own resident trainer Wendy Walker put Bliss through her paces after working with her for only a few months, demonstrating the great versatility of the breed with reining techniques and agility moves. A great first show experience for Bliss, who really seemed to like all the attention she was getting! A great experience for all concerned - we hope to see you at the show next year!
Check out the Media page on our website for more pictures and video. |
Calgary Stampede (July)
 We were very happy to once again be participating in the Calgary Stampede under the invitation of the Light Horse Division. We were also requested to provide a half hour "show" in the Big Top Tent by event organizers, which was both an honour and a challenge with young horses!
So we called upon extra trainers and some of our younger stock to participate, and had a great time dipping our toes into the world of entertainment. Tully was ridden by trainer Michelle Lee, Bliss by Wendy, Cash was ridden by Jackie and Hannah, and Lux and Orion (just started under saddle) took turns with special guests Caroline and Stacy from England, assisted by Anita of Regina.
It was truly a team effort in every way, and we learned much about getting horses to do things on cue (or not!) and the challenges of performing.
Although we are not sure we'll be doing something so large scale again, we were impressed anew with our horses' willingness to learn new things and remain calm under pressure.
Lux and Orion outdid themselves at their first show (and in front of their first crowds), and Tully just had to toss his head (although he did learn some dressage steps) and he blew everyone away with his beautiful hair and movement.
We were glad to have the opportunity to represent the breed in a positive and interesting way. In between shows, demos and meet-and-greets, we were able to connect with many intrigued people. |
Spruce Meadows (September)
Although the Breeds for the World exhibit was cancelled this year, we still decided to participate in having a booth at the world famous Spruce Meadows. Great conversations, fun times watching the Battle of the Breeds, and dreams of having a future "Team Gypsy Horse" kept us engaged and involved.
If you'd like to see the Breeds for the World exhibit reinstated at Spruce Meadows, let them know at www.sprucemeadows.com |
Vanner Fair Review (September) |

We couldn't say more about the very first "Vanner Fair" in Ontario, Canada at DeerFields Stables Country Inn. The very first all Vanner fair, Jim Wilson, owner and breed affectionado, set the bar for every other fair to follow. Informational seminars, the Red Carpet, judging, competition, and vendors, not to mention delicious food and a fabulous setting that will be a hard act to follow.
As it was too far to bring our own horses, we attended as supporters.

Now we need to get something like this going in Western Canada!
See www.vannerfair.com for more information. |
Saskatchewan's Own Equine Expo 2012
Presented by the Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation, we were invited to take part in the very first all breeds show in Saskatoon. We will have our usual booth, and do a short presentation during the Saturday night Breeds of the World parade. Finally, a show in our own home town! We're bringing our well-known favourite, North Fork Cash, and Tully, who made a name for himself at the Calgary Stampede. We can hardly wait! Come on out and support us - we'll see you there!
February 17-19, 2012
www.saskatchewanequineexpo.com |
Breeding Line-up for 2012 - New Bloodlines We're very excited to confirm that along with our usual studs, Aslan, our palomino stallion and the one and only Billy Boy have been busy this summer and we have four mares confirmed in foal to Aslan and five mares confirmed to Billy Boy! So our youngest and oldest stallions will have their first offspring born at North Fork this spring and summer and we can hardly wait! Look for new colours from Aslan as all four mares he was bred to carry the red gene so we're hoping for some palomino and buckskin foals on the ground next year. Billy Boy is one of the oldest stallions in North America and with his long history of top drawer progeny is one of the most important stallions in our breed. For more details on all foals that are expected for next year see our First in Line page. |
Special Tip: We also have a North Fork Gypsy Cobs Facebook page and Fan page so we often update pictures there first. Come and visit or become a friend or fan. We appreciate you! |