Our Vision

Our journey with this amazing breed started out in the fall of 2007 shortly after we decided to purchase our ranch just outside of Saskatoon. We were sitting around the dinner table one night talking about our new adventure and dreaming about the things we could do together as a family on the ranch. We decided it would be fun and challenging to breed horses on a small scale and set out to choose a breed. It was our son Brandon, who reminded me of the horses we'd seen a number of years ago…"You know Dad" he said, "The ones with the super long manes and tails and the big hairy feet…Gypsy horses or something like that". We jumped on the computer and found a ranch about 6 hours away from us. We went out to see them that very weekend. It was love at first sight and we were amazed at the kind and gentle disposition of these beauties.
Over the next few months and after some considerable thought and research, we decided to look at this as a serious business venture. We realized how new the breed was to North America and especially Canada, and also from our years of business experience that you don't start a business with the attitude of being average; you start with the aim to be the best. We decided the only way to go when it came to the breeding business was to begin with the highest quality breeding stock we could find. We handpicked our first mares in England out of a herd of about 125 amazing Gypsies. I think we had a list of around 11 horses picked out the first day then sat down at the breakfast table the next morning and narrowed the list down to six. A couple of the mares we chose weren't even actually for sale and the Clononeen Farm owners said they'd have to discuss it because somehow we had chosen the absolute best of their herd. Well I guess I must have had a four leaf clover in my back pocket because the answer was yes to all the mares and we were ecstatic.

All of our mares were bred with legendary bloodlines behind them and all but one of them came to us bred to equally legendary studs. Spring 2008 gave us 5 simply amazing foals which we are so very proud of.
Our vision and philosophy for North Fork is simple… start with legends, and build from there…surround ourselves with quality people and conduct our business in a manner where our integrity can never be questioned. Everyone we deal with becomes part of our family and it is in our best interests to serve their best interests. We also deeply desire to honor those that came before us and created this wonderful breed, the Romani people, the travelers themselves known as the Gypsies.
We don't consider ourselves to be the foremost experts but what we don't know we find out from our partners from all across the world. We intend on promoting Gypsy Cobs across Canada and North America to the best of our ability and showing the world the beauty, intelligence and versatility of this amazing breed.